Cleo_98 Said:
“MacBook making a crackling sound.: Conveniently it hasn't done it for the last hour, and I'm not sure what part of the memory section, I'm looking at. But looking at the box at the bottom it's using around 6.59GB and the memory pressure is staying the same.”
Thank you for the screenshot.
About RAM and the Activity Monitor:
If it the game is able to run, then you are meeting the minimum RAM requirements. RAM (Random Access Memory) is designed for multitasking (running many things at once). So, if 95% of it is being used, then too much is being put on the RAM to let the CPU sit aside and do its thing. From what is provided, roughly 83% of the RAM is in use. If you are running the game, then this just fine. However, if you run the game and the RAM usage percentage increases to 95%, then it is the game giving you the issues. (8*.95 = 7.6GB of RAM being used). Hope that makes this clear.