Spinning globe
How do I fix this?
MacBook Pro 13″, macOS 10.14
How do I fix this?
MacBook Pro 13″, macOS 10.14
Hi DEHS5763,
Thanks for reaching out to Apple Support Communities.
It sounds like you're having an issue with your start-up issues with your Mac.
We're happy to assist.
We recommend checking out the steps in the section titled "Globe with warning symbol" from the article here: If your Mac doesn't start up all the way - Apple Support
Globe with warning symbol
A globe with an exclamation point means that your Mac tried to start up from macOS Recovery over the internet, but couldn't. Learn what to do if your Mac can't start up from macOS Recovery.
We’re recommending the steps above because they directly address the issue you initially posted about: you see a spinning globe when you start up your Mac.
Please let us know the outcome after giving the above steps a try.
Spinning globe