Apple Music
why do I keep seeing resource unavailable when I try play music on WIFI
but works when my data is connected
how can I fix that ?
iPhone XR
why do I keep seeing resource unavailable when I try play music on WIFI
but works when my data is connected
how can I fix that ?
iPhone XR
Try restarting your device and your router.
I have done that.
I reinstalled the app too still giving the same issue
Try an internet café (outside WiFi).
Tried this too nothing is working 😭😭
Looks like an issue with your device. Try full erase and reset of your phone, then set up as new. You could also schedule Apple in-store repair.
I don’t think so cause I am in a family and they are experiencing the same thing
and my iTunes too on the laptop is saying the same thing 😭
but I can try erase and see
Ya, try that.
Apple Music