Apple Music for Mac Library Sync troubles continue
I have several threads here over many weeks with various history of speed bumps, but here's a summary of my problems, none yet solved. I will call support, but thought posting a summary here might help me or others.
Most recent (of several) Case IDs is 101954459885.
(a) 2017 iMac Ventura 13.2.1 (22D68)
(b) Apple Music for Mac
(c) I have no 3rd party security and no antivirus programs & don’t use Adobe products (no Photoshop, no Lightroom…)
(d) My extensive Local Apple Music library is entirely on an external USB drive (no Music files on local iMac drive)
(e) Recently I joined the Music streaming service (which has historically given my local library files nothing but big trouble)
(f) I run Disk Util regularly on my internal and external drives(about every two weeks, more often lately with troubles piling up)
(g I have a recent EtreCheck file if it might help debug (no major problems reported)
(h) I checked the Sync Library box in Music and (guess what) the trouble started:
(1) Cannot unmount my external USB drive after I open Apple Music. For example: Must reboot, (not open Apple Music) then run Disk Util. This was true long before joining the streaming service.
(2) Library Syncing in Apple Music Settings always fails due to an Error (1409?) - some type of Genius error. This happens even when signed in to a new User account. I have given up on Library Syncing in an attempt to repair my now-broken local library woes. [Library Syncing also removed the artwork in ~5,000 of my local music files and deleted a dozen-ish files, some audio, some video. Back ups in place, no worries.]
(3) I have been using a Doug’s Apple Script to Re-embed Artwork into the local files (just to see if distant, future Library Sync attempts maintain artwork), but curiously: Using an Apple Music Smart Playlist to view only local files containing art, the Script finds many files missing art, although the Smart list does not find these. Perhaps, just like broken “Live updating” in Smart Music Playlists, I have given up trusting Smart playlists using any local files. Why might this happen?
(4) After each reboot, some type of external USB drive permissions trouble creates write errors (in Music and elsewhere on the drive) (e.g., I get Error -54). At first, I solved this by Unlocking the iTunes and all its sub folders. But this only worked once. Now, to use Music or this drive at all, I must check the USB drive’s ‘Ignore ownership on this volume’ box and ‘Apply it to enclosed items’ using the pulldown under Get Info. Library is still in an iTunes folder (and its many subfolders; perhaps re-importing files into the new Apple Music folder structure would help my woes??
(A) Safe Mode does not allow any Music to play. It loads the track, but never goes beyond zero time - no audio. (This is using my local USB music files)
(B) Logging in to a new User Account, Music will play.
(C) Sync between a left & right stereo pair of AirPod Minis comes and goes. Reboots of routers & Minis fixes this. But then it re-occurs almost daily after pausing, then continuing playback.
(D) Also after time periods of paused music, and continuing playback, the Headphone output audio on iMac briefly mutes every tens seconds - but only when AirPlay is used. But consistently reproducing this issue has been difficult.
(E) I have two Apple TVs - both of which use my Music artwork files as Screen Savers. Perhaps this might contribute to file permissions issues (since screen savers have been wonky the past many months on MacOS & maybe TVOS?)?
Perhaps I should quit Apple Music Streaming service in an attempt to eliminate complexity and salvage my damaged local library first - which is really what I care about most.
Have a great day!
iMac 27″ 5K, macOS 13.2