Symbolic Links don't seem to work
I'm having the same problem that was asked several years ago, this time with macos Ventura: Symbolic links don't work with the Finder. For instance: In a terminal window I wrote (prompts shortened):
$ echo '(text)' > _abc.txt
$ cat _abc.txt
$ ln -s _abc.txt _abc-link.txt
$ ls -l _abc-link.txt
lrwxr-xr-x 1 jonathan staff 8 Mar 29 15:33 _abc-link.txt -> _abc.txt
$ open _abc-link.txt # this works
But if I double-click _abc-link.txt, I get an alert: "There is no application set to open the document “_abc-link.txt”.
Similarly, if I type in the terminal
$ ln -s /Applications/ ./
I can double-click this link and the BBEdit application opens. However, I can't drop a file on it and have it open. This is _not_ the case with the original icon, or with an alias file to it if I use the Finder command "Make Alias."
MacBook Pro 15″