why do safari Web Inspector - nbagent - JSContext windows keep opening?
recently these have been popping up...so what is/has been installed?
MacBook Pro 15″, macOS 12.6
recently these have been popping up...so what is/has been installed?
MacBook Pro 15″, macOS 12.6
Not sure if this is your problem, but give it a shot if you have the Develop menu in Safari. Click the Develop menu and select the third item down that just show you computer name. There is a setting to automatically show Web Inspector for JSContext. See if yours is checked and switch it off.
Not sure if this is your problem, but give it a shot if you have the Develop menu in Safari. Click the Develop menu and select the third item down that just show you computer name. There is a setting to automatically show Web Inspector for JSContext. See if yours is checked and switch it off.
This may not be the situation you have as I have not seen it happen in Books and I am on Ventura, but the "Automatically Show Web Inspector for JSContext" is just a setting when you select your computer name that is the third item down from the top. When it was turned on it just had a checkmark next to it and you could remove the checkmark just by clicking it. Here is the pic without the checkmark next to it.
Thank you for sharing Mac Jim ID
For french speakers;
Si vous avez une fenêtre popup qui ouvre l'Inspecteur Web pour JSContext de manière intempestive depuis la dernière mise à jour de Monterey 12.6.4.
Allez sur le menu - Développement - de Safari. Puis cliquer sur le troisième lien de menu qui montre le nom de l'ordinateur, afficher le menu, et décocher "Afficher automatiquement l'inspecteur Web pour JSContexts" si il est activé.
and another
Hi Mac Jim
In "Big Sur" the view above is a little different. But at the end I found in "Safari Developer" under "myName etc. " a long set of text lines, and almost at the end a "checkmark" "v" before the almost last text line, with my name. Clicking it, the checkmark disappeared and "JSContext" too !
Thank you so much
ah, thanx, i had just updated safari...yaaufu (yet another apple update fupduck)-; like after update to os12 the trackpad was unresponsive until a mouse was plugged in to be able to toggle "ignore trackpad when mouse plugged in" among other preference update fails:-\
but more concerning is that some installer-gui-script is triggered multiple times...
I removed this Web inspector as I noticed it after a download and thought someone had placed it on my putter to read my files, I’m now wondering after reading this if I,ve left myself vulnerable. Anybody with advice on this. What is its function
Mac Jim ID
I only see a list with JSContext,JSContext and so on !
I do not see any checkbox here
In "Books" loading a new book, I've this JSContext popup for every page it's loading up !
[Email Edited by Moderator]
Is there any way to stop this? It's scary!
That was it thank you, it was all the way on the bottom of the submenu.
William McCormick
Thanks for the information, it probably works on my Mac.
this was driving me nuts, and I thought my computer was "hacked". Thank you for the info, this worked !!
Good Job! I just did not have a Big Sur machine to see where it was located.
why do safari Web Inspector - nbagent - JSContext windows keep opening?