So I guess it was some kind of hack somebody tried to do on me.
some random person I never seen / heard before asked me on WhatsApp a strange question that included some real info about myself.
imagine a stranger asking out of nowhere if you are let's say a tour guide from X (where X is your country). That's what happened. I answered, yes I'm from X but I'm not tour guide and how u have my number
then she continued to the point I was asked to add some number. You can see my answer. "Why u just dont write from another number??" Which happened 21:40
right after my message on 21:40 I closed an app and got notification around 30s later which I clicked immediately and crashed my app Andora kept crashing my app every single time I wanted to open it. As u can see this person is gone second after. Not online after 21:41
I fixed it myself by installing WhatsApp business and moving my number there since installing normal WhatsApp again didn't work at all. I guess crash might have been saved on iCloud since I wasn't able to download it normally - only from iCloud.
be careful guys!!
[Image Edited by Moderator to Remove Personal Information]