If you are suddenly receiving an influx of spam in your inbox, there are a few things you can do to address the issue:
- Mark the messages as spam: This will not only move the messages to your spam folder, but it will also help train your email provider's spam filters to recognize similar messages in the future.
- Use your email provider's spam filters: Many email providers have built-in spam filters that can be configured to automatically move suspicious messages to your spam folder. Check your email provider's documentation for more information on how to set this up.
- Unsubscribe from mailing lists: If you are receiving unwanted emails from mailing lists or newsletters, look for the "unsubscribe" link at the bottom of the message and follow the instructions to stop receiving future emails.
- Be cautious with your email address: Try to avoid posting your email address publicly online, as this can make it more vulnerable to being scraped by spammers. Also, be cautious about sharing your email address with third-party sites or apps.
- Always use the Hide-My-email option that you have when logging into apps or websites.