Subscription and payment
why can’t my fiancé add a payment method to his phone? He is on my account
iPhone 12 Pro Max, iOS 16
why can’t my fiancé add a payment method to his phone? He is on my account
iPhone 12 Pro Max, iOS 16
Mrleoncauley85 wrote:
He is on my account
This practice should be stopped immediately.
Each and every person, regardless of age, needs her/his own, unique Apple ID.
The person acquiring a new ID should thoroughly cleanse her/his Apple device(s) as follows before “moving in” using the new ID:
What to do before you sell, give away, or trade in your iPhone or iPad - Apple Support
Family Sharing, including sharing subscriptions, is available.
What is Family Sharing? - Apple Support
See this article.
Add a payment method to your Apple ID - Apple Support
If it still doesn’t work, tell us everything about the scenario - what was attempted, what was seen, error messages, iOS version, pertinent information about country/region, etc.
This is the fiancé, I run ios 16.4.1 on a 12 pro max, was attempting to purchase a book, and couldn’t because it wouldn’t let me add a card to my Apple ID even though she added me as a parent and Gabe me permission. I can’t add a payment unless she does first. Not even from my apple wallet which has multiple cards in it and Apple Pay. This is annoying and want to resolve. About your suggestion, well that’s How this all started, I can’t add payment method so as you can see it won’t even highlight, let alone let me select it
I don’t understand exactly how you arrived at the screen you’re displaying. Try Settings > [your Apple ID] > Payment & Shipping which should take you to this screen as shown in the article I linked above.
You misunderstand, he has own apple id, it is this one, or better yet I miss worded, he is on my plan, and I’ve given him control. But he can’t add a payment method.
Subscription and payment