iPhone continuity camera problem
I'm trying to figure out how to stop my iPhone from constantly trying to act as the microphone for my Mac Studio. Something like 30-50 times a day, I get a momentary screen that suggests I can "Pause" or "Disconnect" the continuity camera mode, but the buttons don't work and the screen disappears after exactly 1 second. A screen shot is shown below.
The red "Disconnect" button doesn't appear to work. It doesn't give any kind of tactile feedback that it has been pressed. If pressing it actually does work (hard to know because the dialog disappears after one second whether I press a button or not), then the setting must be reactivated a few minutes later.
The problem is that this modal dialog, when it pops up, kills whatever app I was on. There are apps that require recording without interruption, like shooting a video. When this dialog appears, the app is interrupted and a second later, when the dialog drops, my iPhone 14 Pro is back to the home screen. I run an alarm clock app at night. The app gets shut off automatically numerous times during the night because of this. If I'm on a Zoom call the Zoom app drops me. If I'm on a Facetime call the app drops when this happens. If I'm on a Messenger phone meeting the app drops me every time this happens. It's driving me crazy.
All this behavior only started with the update to iOS 16.4.1, so I suspect it's linked to a bug in that version, but I need to find a workaround.
I checked the Continuity Camera Microphone settings on the Mac Studio and there seems to be no way to disconnect the iPhone as a choice.
Can someone help sort this out?
Mac Studio