NAME a pin on Apple Maps (macos)
Can I name a pin on Apple Maps on macos?
I have a bunch of places I'd like to remember by a label, rather than the wildly inaccurate address Apple Maps tends to put in to everywhere I drop.
Mac mini (M1, 2020)
Can I name a pin on Apple Maps on macos?
I have a bunch of places I'd like to remember by a label, rather than the wildly inaccurate address Apple Maps tends to put in to everywhere I drop.
Mac mini (M1, 2020)
Sorry to say, I have just tried what you have done using Ventura 13.3.1 and it appears not to be possible in macOS
Though, from what I have read, it may be possible in iOS for iPhone / iPad with iOS 16
You are welcome to send Product Feedback to Apple and make it known to Apple regarding a Feature Addition Request
Sorry to say, I have just tried what you have done using Ventura 13.3.1 and it appears not to be possible in macOS
Though, from what I have read, it may be possible in iOS for iPhone / iPad with iOS 16
You are welcome to send Product Feedback to Apple and make it known to Apple regarding a Feature Addition Request
It’s simple, drop a pin, add it to your favorites, go to favorites, tap more then tap the Pin and change the name.
After much research it appears that you're correct, maps doesn't let you name pins. Pins are effectively useless.
Most places I want to pin do not have an exact address. Google and Apple both do best estimate of the nearest address, but don't take into account that it might actually be 50 kilometres by road to get to that address from the dropped pin because Maps works by roads (it doesn't have any data on walking or cycle trails).
I want to drop pins predominantly on hiking or mountain biking trails, where there are no addresses, or the roads marked are mostly overgrown fire trails without public access (or completely wrong, or only accurate to within 100 metres).
Every time I think of one of these suggestions I put it on the Apple Feedback. They must have hundreds of things from me over the years. Nothing ever seems to come of it, and when I reach out to community discussions people often have other ways of doing them that I haven't thought of.
Unfortunately in this case it seems like not using Apple Maps is the solution. Google Maps eats my iphone battery like crazy when I'm out in the forest (no service = battery drain). I guess I'll have to go back to paying $45 for a paper map and marker pen.
Hey Tim, Thanks for this very clarifying post! I wanted to let you know about a (totally ridiculous) workaround that's been helpful to me. I create a contact on my Mac (this doesn't work on iOS) with my preferred name and enter the coordinates from the dropped pin in the Country or Region field. Then when you're searching for that location in Apple Maps, it comes right up. Hope this helps!
Tim St.Clair wrote:
…rather than the wildly inaccurate address Apple Maps tends to put in to everywhere I drop.
You can't name dropped pins. However, if you type in an exact location you will get an exact address. Using the coordinates of your dropped pin, Google Maps returns the same result.
Tre are Other Devices that may or may provide the type of Mapping the User is looking for.
Some will even work via Satellite connections for locations
Yes, another gadget and cost but . . . User choice
Alex Zavatone wrote:
> Tre are Other Devices that may or may provide the type of Mapping the User is looking for.
What is that statement attempting to mean?
Honest question though a bit late to the game
Typo error and should read " Try "
In the context of original posting, it would not have been difficult to spot the typo error
dameon5801 wrote:
It’s simple, drop a pin, add it to your favorites, go to favorites, tap more then tap the Pin and change the name.
Where were you 9 months ago when this was declared impossible? 😄
> Tre are Other Devices that may or may provide the type of Mapping the User is looking for.
What is that statement attempting to mean?
NAME a pin on Apple Maps (macos)