What exactly is Rapid Security Response?
I don’t really understand what Rapid Response Security is. Can you please explain?
iPhone 13, iOS 16
I don’t really understand what Rapid Response Security is. Can you please explain?
iPhone 13, iOS 16
Here's Apple's explanation --> About Rapid Security Responses for iOS, iPadOS, and macOS - Apple Support
It appears to be another kind of rapid deployment software update that may, for example, just address some urgent issue (particularly to do with security). Regular updates may do something such as add an emoji or two so aren't really urgent.
Here's Apple's explanation --> About Rapid Security Responses for iOS, iPadOS, and macOS - Apple Support
It appears to be another kind of rapid deployment software update that may, for example, just address some urgent issue (particularly to do with security). Regular updates may do something such as add an emoji or two so aren't really urgent.
All of the Rapid Security Response Software information is cryptic. Nothing I’ve read tells me what exactly was just automatically installed on my device. Unless I am to assume that only the “software” was installed… IF my operating system was vulnerable then I / we all deserve to be informed of the details of how so. Otherwise, this is easily interpreted as - we put something on your phone, to help you, trust us…
Hubbydogme Said:
"What exactly is Rapid Security Response?: I don’t really understand what Rapid Response Security is. Can you please explain?"
Updating a Device:
Giving it Two Weeks:
I usually wait about two weeks to perform an update, after then update is released (as a way to avoid bugs). You should consider doing to same.
Linked Article? What Linked article? If the link isn't coming from a Apple page I'd be duly suspicious of its authenticity.
Apple security updates - Apple SupportI
Indicates Software Update did come out with some updates today to address security.
But RSR is not listed. I recommend anyone confused please post feedback to http://www.apple.com/feedback
asking for these update descriptions to be more informative. At this point most of us end users can only speculate what their nature is.
It's explained in the linked article:
Rapid Security Responses are a new type of software release for iPhone, iPad, and Mac. They deliver important security improvements between software updates — for example, improvements to the Safari web browser, the WebKit framework stack, or other critical system libraries. They may also be used to mitigate some security issues more quickly, such as issues that might have been exploited or reported to exist "in the wild."
Read it, ot clearly explains what it is.
It's a high priority security patch that can't wait for the normal point update of ios
I don't understand what it is that you aren't understanding.
They meant a real explanation. What kind of things, why are they needed, should we trust them, is this something that makes the platform even more intrusive, etc. All you had to do was read the question to understand the intent of the question. It’s written right there. I don’t understanding what it is you aren’t understanding…
Couldn’t agree with you more on this!!
Exactly! At this point though all smart devices are already so intrusive. By default it feels like we give up our anonymity just by using them.
The linked article is the Apple page link at the top of the thread, how someone who is a level 10 doesn’t know that is mind boggling.
When browsing the page, and given a remote link to this page, I may miss the header of the page if the link given anchors to later in the thread. I see it now, thank you.
What exactly is Rapid Security Response?