Beats studio
I bought beats studio from Amazon as used like new. When I received it, it was not like new. It is so bad.
I contacted Amazon support and they said I contact you and you will send me a replacement.
I bought beats studio from Amazon as used like new. When I received it, it was not like new. It is so bad.
I contacted Amazon support and they said I contact you and you will send me a replacement.
vianna209 Said:
"Beats studio: I bought beats studio from Amazon as used like new. When I received it, it was not like new. It is so bad. I contacted Amazon support and they said I contact you and you will send me a replacement."
About these Forums:
These are user-to-user forums. We are not Apple; just everyday users like yourself. So, no one here is going to make the fix --only Apple can. Apple rarely reads these posts on their own timed will. So, contact them, asking them if a replacement is an option.
Apple Contact Us Info:
vianna209 Said:
"Beats studio: I bought beats studio from Amazon as used like new. When I received it, it was not like new. It is so bad. I contacted Amazon support and they said I contact you and you will send me a replacement."
About these Forums:
These are user-to-user forums. We are not Apple; just everyday users like yourself. So, no one here is going to make the fix --only Apple can. Apple rarely reads these posts on their own timed will. So, contact them, asking them if a replacement is an option.
Apple Contact Us Info:
Beats studio