You said that sometimes it works, and at some point the screen goes black.
Obviously I meant to run the report when it does work. I may have misunderstood your problem, it seemed to me that when the issue occurs, you could restart your mac and it would then work. This does not mean that there is no problem - there certainly IS - but it means that you can run Etrecheck and post its report, so others (and not just me) could look into it and maybe spot some indication as to what is wrong.
If I misunderstood and you mean that the screen is permanently back - then either it does not even start, and you need to take it in to service, or it starts but shows no image. In that case, it is possible you might be able to use it if you attach an external display, as a temporary measure, to help further diagnose (and regain use of your mac, until the issue is resolved).