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Final Cut Pro Missing files, relinking doesn't work, FCP knows where they are, still displays the error (not a missing effect)

So, started a new, pretty big project (for me), with 12 camera angles. I made proxies of everything. Mass storage is on an 8Tb HDD, library, events, and projects are on a fast 2Tb SSD. Both external.


I made proxies 12,5% prores of every video. These are in the FCP Library file on the SSD. I then disconnected the HDD with the originals, and went to working on the proxy files. Made Multicams with various files and made an edit for the first song (it is an abba concert).

Reconnected the HDD, switched to original media to make a first export and see if it looked any good. Almost all files except 2 camera angles, showed up as missing.

  1. I tried relinking the files. At first they did not show up in missing files list, so relinked all. No effect
  2. I tried deleting a camera in the media list and reimporting it. FCP says it imports it, but that file never showed up in media list again....
  3. I tried making a new multicam for a different song, but with the HDD attached. That seemed to work fine, and let me switch back to original with only 2 image streams missing (they were shared with the first edit, so that might be the issue).
  4. When I press " reveal in finder" FCPX goes straight to the correct folder.
  5. When I look at the inspector, FCPX shows me 3 green dots, for all files accounted for....
  6. It still is convinced it is missing the file....

There are NO effects on the video files yet (except some file have been cropped or realigned, but not all)

I have tried different " missing files " solutions and threads, but all seem to be: relink and you are good. Somehow that doesn't work here. Hoping someone knows what is up here and can help before we have to start all over (and have to be permanently afraid of it going wrong again).

Screenshots for clarification. If there are any questions, or troubleshooting I should do, I am willing to try almost anything.

Above: Timeline in original

Above: FCPX clearly showing he knows where my stuff is

Above: Works fine in proxy still

MacBook Pro 16″, macOS 13.3

Posted on May 15, 2023 1:13 PM

Question marked as Top-ranking reply

Posted on May 18, 2023 7:54 AM

We got it!

Problem = fixed (sort of) and we know (or think we know) what caused it.

So, we went into the library folder, and had a look at the proxy media, optimized media and symlink files. We removed all the symlinks (or at least the public link files that point to the correct file). Nothing changed, FCP would make new links as soon as we restarted FCPX, still convinced it knew where the files were. We then had a look at the "optimized media". Weird that we had optimized media, we did not ask FCPX to make that, it just decided to, on its own. When opening a 28GB optimized media file, we got a very high res picture of the "missing media" warning... which had a runtime of several minutes. Somehow, FCPX was convinced this WAS the optimized media it was looking for. So, it did relink properly, it did not miss anything, but the file it was pointing to.... was a missing media picture....

We deleted all the "optimized media", forcing FCPX to look back at the original media location, which fixed the problem (after restarting FCPX).

What we think happened:

There is a toggle in FCPX

What we think happened: This toggle is ON by default. Due to the high volume and mass of video files in this project, my MacBook is frequently on overnight, making proxies or rendering stuff. At some point during this edit, FCPX must have been going about making optimized media, while the HDD was NOT connected, thus missing the needed files. It does not do this on import (as we had that checked out), but does do it when using stuff in the multicam.

In my trial runs with connecting and disconnecting libraries and drives, I think we never gave it time to background render optimized media, thus everything worked fine. Had we tested overnight, I think we might have reproduced the problem.

So, going forward:

  • We unchecked this box, so no optimized media for Multicam files
  • We will keep both SSD and HDD connected during overnight renders and as much as possible during edits
  • We will still start over on a new library, as I abused this one so much I just wanna make sure

But we at least saved the project!! :)

Thanks Tom, Davis and Joema for the support. Hoping this lengthy reply will serve someone running into the same unwanted "feature"

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May 18, 2023 7:54 AM in response to RichardNL2023

We got it!

Problem = fixed (sort of) and we know (or think we know) what caused it.

So, we went into the library folder, and had a look at the proxy media, optimized media and symlink files. We removed all the symlinks (or at least the public link files that point to the correct file). Nothing changed, FCP would make new links as soon as we restarted FCPX, still convinced it knew where the files were. We then had a look at the "optimized media". Weird that we had optimized media, we did not ask FCPX to make that, it just decided to, on its own. When opening a 28GB optimized media file, we got a very high res picture of the "missing media" warning... which had a runtime of several minutes. Somehow, FCPX was convinced this WAS the optimized media it was looking for. So, it did relink properly, it did not miss anything, but the file it was pointing to.... was a missing media picture....

We deleted all the "optimized media", forcing FCPX to look back at the original media location, which fixed the problem (after restarting FCPX).

What we think happened:

There is a toggle in FCPX

What we think happened: This toggle is ON by default. Due to the high volume and mass of video files in this project, my MacBook is frequently on overnight, making proxies or rendering stuff. At some point during this edit, FCPX must have been going about making optimized media, while the HDD was NOT connected, thus missing the needed files. It does not do this on import (as we had that checked out), but does do it when using stuff in the multicam.

In my trial runs with connecting and disconnecting libraries and drives, I think we never gave it time to background render optimized media, thus everything worked fine. Had we tested overnight, I think we might have reproduced the problem.

So, going forward:

  • We unchecked this box, so no optimized media for Multicam files
  • We will keep both SSD and HDD connected during overnight renders and as much as possible during edits
  • We will still start over on a new library, as I abused this one so much I just wanna make sure

But we at least saved the project!! :)

Thanks Tom, Davis and Joema for the support. Hoping this lengthy reply will serve someone running into the same unwanted "feature"


May 16, 2023 2:41 PM in response to Davis_

Hmm ok, so I have tried the following, on a new project:

  • Changed SSD formatting to APFS and replaced library on it. Reopened FCPX, nothing changed (nor did I expect it to)
  • Made a new library, with SSD & HDD connected. Made proxies. Made a multicam. Made a small edit. Closed off FCPX and reopened. all works.
  • Closed library and fcpx, removed hdd, reopened FCPX. All still worked, except of course missing files for the original media. Closed library and fcpx, replaced hdd, reopened fcpx, all media relinked perfectly

Level 2:

  • Made another new library, with ssd and hdd connected. Made proxies. Exited everything and removed HDD.
  • Restarted fcpx and made a multicam in proxy mode, without hdd connected. Made a small edit
  • closed library and fcpx, reconnected hdd, opened everything. files relink perfectly (did take a bit longer though). edit made in multicam persists and works fine.

Level 3:

  • same library, left everything open. Quit fcpx straight away. Removed hdd. Reopened fcpx. files are missing (of course).
  • quit fcpx again with library left open. Reconnected hdd. reopened fcpx, everything relinked fine....

Soooooooo.... I think this is the scariest possible outcome, as I am no closer to figuring out what went wrong. Everything I try now seems to work fine, and no clue how the other library got fubar.

Something weird I did notice:

  • I imported all original media, and made 12.5% proxies. I did NOT make optimized media. When I removed the HDD, a few files DID display in original/optimized setting, so FCPX put optimized media on the ssd without me asking it to
  • In the original library that got screwed, this is the case as well, 2 files are still available when the rest is not

I don't think this gives you guys any clues what went wrong originally, and I would rather have broken something and figured out how I had broken it, but it is what it is I guess.

Open to try more if you got any ideas :) if not, thanks for the help so far!


May 17, 2023 1:21 AM in response to joema

Ok, thanks for the lengthy explanation! I think this goes a bit above my knowledge grade, but if I understand you correctly:

  • 8TB name did not get changed halfway edit, so that is not the issue
  • All media filenames are unique (we use "camera angle"+"track number"+"track names", if there is still duplication then, we use -2 for second file. All friday files have V- as pre-title to differentiate them from Saturday (main) shots.
  • In a case like this, the symbolic links (symlinks) in the library still have the pathname information for where FCP *thinks* the files are (or were). Unfortunately that cannot be displayed for multiple files using Finder or the FCP UI (I don't think. I vaguely recollect Tom mentioning some method but I can't remember it).
  • When clicking "reveal in finder" on any of the "missing" files, it goes straight to the correct map on my mass storage disk. So my thinking is, FCPX know where it is and can point to it. Can it then still be there is something wrong with the symlink? As it seems to be pointing correctly?
  • Iterating on that: would it be possible to remove the symlink alltogether to "reset" linking, and then try to link the file again?

At this point I am not worried about the original library anymore, we regard that as a lost case and are starting over (luckily not that far into the project yet), so I am willing to try things like removing symlinks to see if that solves anything, nothing lost if it truly breaks the library.


May 18, 2023 1:01 AM in response to joema

I don't understand why FCP would persistently show "Missing File", yet right-click on that red thumbnail and selecting "Reveal in Finder" would work. Yes! exactly this! boggles my mind too...

Disk structures seem to be in order. 1 of the drives is directly connected to the Mac via usb-c. The other is on a hub (with NO other usb devices on it) because I need to go USB-A to USB-C because apple chose not to make any other connections on this ons. They both use the cable that came with the drive (as both drives are brand new). I have been using this hub with multiple drives for about 3 years now, never ran into something like this.


May 15, 2023 4:15 PM in response to RichardNL2023

SSDs work best when formatted with APFS (GUID Partition Map). HDDs work best when formatted with Mac OS Extended Journaled (GUID Partition Map). You don't want to use FAT32 or ExFAT formatting (FYI). It's always good to check this when using a new drive or sharing a drive with someone else.

I'd be wary of disconnecting any drive that is used/referenced by a Library while FCP is running (and the media is used by an open Library). I've done things similar to what you've described (i.e., creating a proxy-only setup for a laptop) without any issues.

You might consider creating a new test Library and importing just a small number of files/clips to build a test multicam clip and test Project/timeline. Switch between proxies and original/optimized media (don't disconnect any drives). Then, try closing the test Library and quitting FCP. Now, unmount the drive with the original media and relaunch FCP and open the test Library. Edit with the proxies (make a cut or two). You may see missing media icons/warnings if you choose anything but prefer proxies or proxies only in the Viewer's View menu.

Close the Library and quit FCP. Re-mount the drive with the original media. Start up FCP again and open the test Library. If you switch to use original/optimized media, things should automatically relink. Or, manual relinking should work.

Let us know how this works out.


May 16, 2023 8:51 AM in response to Davis_

This will take me a while to figure it out (as I want to test it with all the original files, just to be sure). I did take the chance to reformat the SSD tot APFS, just to be sure. Will get back to you when I have tested with closing off library and FCP before removing disks and seeing how that goes.


May 16, 2023 9:06 AM in response to RichardNL2023

It's good to try with a small test case first, in order to see if it fixes the situation. If it fixes things, then it would be a good idea to scale it up to the entire project for more testing (as you mentioned). If not, then we can consider other options...


May 16, 2023 3:09 PM in response to RichardNL2023

A couple of thoughts...

You might try making another new test Library, importing some media, making proxies, etc. (as you did already). With the Library open and FCP running, unmount the HDD in the Finder, continue to edit with proxies. Then, you could try re-mounting the HDD and switch back to original/optimized media in FCP. The idea is to "unmount/disconnect and remount/reconnect" the HDD with FCP running and the Library open.

(What I suggested you do and what you seemed to have done should have worked fine, and it did. The idea being that unmounting/disconnecting the HDD while FCP is running and the Library is open, might cause an issue. So, by only disconnecting the HDD when the Library was closed or FCP not running may have helped.)

The other comment is that FCP considers some media formats as "pre-optimized" or not needing optimization, so it won't do anything with that media. ProRes media is one of those formats. I believe WAVE/AIFF files are another. Also, some files, such as MP3 audio will be automatically "optimized" regardless of any setting in FCP (and made into a QT .mov audio file, in the case of some/most/all MP3 files). The "auto-optimization" can happen with some other files, but I'm not sure exactly which ones.

I would imagine (unless someone else chimes in with a better idea) that as long as you don't unmount/disconnect the HDD while FCP is running, you should be okay. I don't know if the fact that you changed the SSD to APFS before running your tests mattered, or not. Lots of moving parts. I agree it's nice to know what might have caused the original issue, but knowing how to do things "properly" may be all the solace you'll get...


May 16, 2023 3:51 PM in response to Tom Wolsky

Tom, I can verify that I was able to unmount a drive with the original media on it. With the View menu set for original/optimized, I got a macOS warning saying it wouldn't dismount the drive. After switching to proxy only, I was able to unmount the drive. And, after remounting the drive with the original media, everything automatically relinked...


May 16, 2023 4:08 PM in response to Tom Wolsky

You'd think in over twenty years of editing I would have tried unmounting a drive while FCP was running (back to version 1.5 or 2). But, this test was the first time. Go figure... ;-)

It does make me wonder about whether FCP allows a drive to be unmounted when it shouldn't. In my simple test case, the original file was on a separate drive from the Library or temporary (proxies, caches, etc.) file locations.


May 16, 2023 5:20 PM in response to RichardNL2023

As already stated, if both drives are HFS+ or APFS (or a combination), you should be able to dismount the media drive, unplug it, reverse that sequence and the library on SSD should automatically relink. If that doesn't work manual relink should work.

If somehow the 8TB drive volume name got changed, then auto relink will not work. The inode and pathname to each media file includes the volume name, and changing the volume name (accidentally or any other way) will prevent the relink.

However manual relink (in bulk) should work -- IF every media file has a unique filename. If there are duplicate filenames among the folder tree, I don't think manual bulk relink will be reliable. In that case, the only thing FCP knows is the filename and the file parameters. If there is a descriptive pathname that differentiates two duplicate filenames file like /Saturday Concert/First Act, it has no idea about that. If it finds another file with the same name, it will fail a metadata compatibility check. This is a good example of why it's important to have globally unique media filenames.

In a case like this, the symbolic links (symlinks) in the library still have the pathname information for where FCP *thinks* the files are (or were). Unfortunately that cannot be displayed for multiple files using Finder or the FCP UI (I don't think. I vaguely recollect Tom mentioning some method but I can't remember it).

Using terminal you can go into the library to the EventName/Original Media folder and use these commands. In this example, the library name is FX6Export2 and is located in the user's /Movies folder, and the Event name is A7S3Test.

cd ~/Movies/FX6Export2.fcpbundle/A7S3Test/Original\ Media

ls -l

To list the symlinks and their target location. You can also do 'ls -l > symlink.txt', where symlink.txt is a filename you provide. You can examine that with Finder, TextEdit, etc, and search for filenames. Example of output in the above case, where the original media file name is JDM0899.mp4, when imported with "leave files in place" FCP creates a symlink which is a small placeholder file that points to the final location of that file.

lrwxr-xr-x  1 josephmarler  staff  64 May 16 11:00 JDM0899.mp4 -> /Volumes/16TB_SSD/A7S3_TestClips/PRIVATE/M4ROOT/CLIP/JDM0899.MP4

lrwxr-xr-x  1 josephmarler  staff  64 May 16 11:00 JDM0900.mp4 -> /Volumes/16TB_SSD/A7S3_TestClips/PRIVATE/M4ROOT/CLIP/JDM0900.MP4

lrwxr-xr-x  1 josephmarler  staff  64 May 16 11:00 JDM0901.mp4 -> /Volumes/16TB_SSD/A7S3_TestClips/PRIVATE/M4ROOT/CLIP/JDM0901.MP4

If the link is good you can examine it in Finder, but (ironically) if there's a problem and you *really* want to see where the symlink points, Finder will not show that. You must use terminal or some other tool. There are some 3rd-party MacOS file managers that allow display and manipulation of symlinks. As a side note, Finder calls symlinks "aliases" but that is incorrect terminology -- it is a symlink.

The FCP relink dialog will show you the symlink target in grey letters at the bottom of the pane -- IF relinking a single file. It will not show you hundreds of symlink targets.


May 17, 2023 1:09 AM in response to Davis_

I can imagine you never tried this while editing, because it is a no-brainer that you shouldn't. Nonetheless, I would not have expected FCPX to allow this, but i cannot 100% rule out this happened at some point... simply because I did not know it was possible. Will try with another test library tonight (european time here, so at work now) if I can break it like that, and will give extra care to not remove disks while fcpx is running (again, no-brainer).


May 17, 2023 4:45 PM in response to RichardNL2023

In FCP if you can right-click on the clip in the Event Browser, pick "Reveal in Finder", it should Open a Finder window, and highlight that corresponding disk file. If it does that it's using the symlink to get there. That means it's working, at least at that moment.

I don't understand why FCP would persistently show "Missing File", yet right-click on that red thumbnail and selecting "Reveal in Finder" would work.

Are both of your external drives either APFS or HFS+ (ie, MacOS Extended Journaled)? In Finder if you select each drive and do CMD+I to Get Info, what format is the 2TB and 8TB drives?

Do either of those drives go through a USB hub or junction box of any type? Do either of them use a non-OEM USB cable? There are often problems from doing either of those. However if a file briefly drops off line and a clip goes red, upon restoration of the connection, FCP will normally see the clip and the thumbnail will go from red to a thumbnail image. You generally don't have to relink or do anything fancy, at least on APFS and HFS+ drives.

You can run Disk Utility First Aid on both drives to make sure the filesystems are OK.


May 18, 2023 9:15 AM in response to RichardNL2023

Richard, thanks for the update. I was just composing a post asking you to check why optimized files were there. You beat me to it!!

The first thing I do on a new FCP install is turn off "Create optimized media for multicam clips". It is so ingrained that I didn't even think to ask about that.

It's possible that config is on by default for legacy hardware. Newer machines don't need it. Also since 10.4.9, FCP has had the option of View>Proxy Preferred, which avoids two problems: (1) Proxies being required on all clips, whether needed or not, to avoid some showing as red in proxy mode, and (2) 50% proxies on a mix of 4k, 1080p media will produce visibly lower-resolution playback on the 1080p clips.

For the above reasons it was sometimes necessary to use optimized media before 10.4.9, but that is no longer required.


Final Cut Pro Missing files, relinking doesn't work, FCP knows where they are, still displays the error (not a missing effect)

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