I can't delete eSim and it cannot be re-installed either
Hello! I face troubles with deleted e-sim on my iPhone 14.
The story begins when I changed remotely the number on my e-sim (ru). I live in another country, so here i have a second domestic sim (normal one). When I chanced the number on my e-sim (ru) in few days it stopped working, only from time to time did it turn on. All the other times it was like "sim failure" for the e-sim and I could not receive any phone calls or messages most of the time. I still didn't get what was the reason of why it was working and why it was not working.
I contacted the support of a mobile company and they advised me to delete the e-sim and to install a new one. And it didn't work and I can't install my phone number back. So I am totally now cut off.
Now I see that there is a sort of a 'fantom' of e-Sim (ru). When I push the button "delete", I am back on the previous window and nothing changes.
How can I delete it? When I restart my phone - again appeared a notification " sim failure ". A domestic normal sim card works here properly.
The mobile company says that these are problems already with the phone. I can't install now my e-sim back. Could anyone help me with this problem, please?
iPhone 14