How do I change the search highlight colour for Safari that shows up upon clicking a result?
Hey gang! I'm having a bit of trouble with Safari's highlighting when clicking on a search result.
I use Noir as an extension so I can have a comfortable theme that makes it easier to read on my iPhone and my Mac. I'd imagine this is contributing to the issue in some respect, but I also think it's strange that I cannot change the colour of the search result highlight.
Here is an example: I searched "caffeine" on Google on my Mac. The highlight in the result itself is obviously legible.
However, it becomes impossible to read, and impossible to remove, when clicking the link that produced the result.
I did remove the effects of the Noir extension to show what appears naturally, and it's legible, but I shouldn't have to do that just to read it properly.
For reference, this is the colour of my highlight that was set by System Settings. The colour is not the same nor does it influence the search highlight.
Using my own highlight indeed overrides the forced highlight from Safari, but this is a temporary measure as clicking anywhere else resets it, and obviously I cannot really do this on my iPhone.
Furthermore, there is no setting on Noir itself (that I know of) to change highlight colours. I've looked everywhere.
Is there really no way to do this on Safari itself? It seems like it's just inconvenient for everyone who uses dark-mode extensions. I like my theme and it helps me read everything properly, so I'd rather not sacrifice it for this, you know?
This is occurring on my Macbook Air M2 2022, macOS Ventura 13.3 (I plan to update to 13.3.1 shortly after creating this post).
This also occurs on my iPhone 14 on iOS 16.4.1(a). The issues are the exact same as I use Noir on there as well, and the colouration of the dark mode theme is applicable.
Any help is welcome; even if there is no fix and that's just how it is because it responds to the light mode/default appearance of the website, I still appreciate that information to confirm my suspicions. I can only really seem to find information on changing the system's highlight colour instead of any highlighting exclusive to Safari itself. Thanks so much in advance.
MacBook Air (M2, 2022)