Thanks for the additional info. That was very helpful. These are the steps my husband had to follow when he had trouble pairing his hearing aids to both his iPhone and his iPad. I’m copying the advice I offered in a previous post … but with a couple different additions. I’ll make those bold.
- Turn off Bluetooth on your iPad and move it a couple rooms away.
- On your iPhone, delete the Jabra app.
- Turn your hearing aids OFF completely. Power your iPhone off.
- Reinstall the Jabra app, then on your iPhone, follow these settings to set up the hearing aids again: Use hearing devices with iPhone - Apple Support. I’ve copied the pertinent information below.
Pair a hearing device with iPhone. Note, this is NOT done thru the Jabra app.
- Open the battery doors on your hearing devices.
- On iPhone, go to Settings > Bluetooth, then make sure Bluetooth is turned on.
- Go to Settings > Accessibility > Hearing Devices.
- Close the battery doors on your hearing devices.
- When their names appear below My Hearing Devices (this could take a minute), tap the names and respond to the pairing requests.
- Pairing can take as long as 60 seconds—don’t try to stream audio or otherwise use the hearing devices until pairing is finished. When pairing is finished, you hear a series of beeps and a tone, and a checkmark appears next to the hearing devices in the Devices list.
This should pair your hearing aids to your iPhone. Before you bring the iPad back to the room, turn it back on then turn Bluetooth OFF.
Now here is the tricky part —- Your hearing aids can only connect to one Apple device at a time. Most often, my hubby wants his hearing aids connected to his iPhone so he leaves Bluetooth on for that device. But when he wants to watch videos or anything else with sound on his iPad, he has to turn off Bluetooth on his iPhone so the iPad will automatically take over. (One a side note, you can pair your iPad to your iPhone so calls and messages will come thru on your iPad.) To switch back to the iPhone, turn Bluetooth OFF ON THE IPAD, then turn Bluetooth back on for the iPhone.
It’s a bit of a hassle, but the logic will soon click for you. It did for my husband. He automatically switches back and forth between the two devices. I hope this is not too confusing. Please let me know if you get this to work or if you have any more questions.