Multiple iTunes Store issues, it just gets worse and worse...
Lately I've experienced multiple issues with the iTunes Store from either my MacBook Pro or my iMac.
1) I cannot access the Complete My Album section without getting the error below:
2) When I view certain of the scrolling banners at top of the store screen, I see a split 4-way view as below:
3) I find when I make a store purchase, say a new album, the album comes into my library split into two albums - every time. Some songs attached to one, some attached to the other.
4) For complete albums in my library, even in cases where I bought the complete album from the iTunes store and that item still exists in the store, I see the red 'Complete My Album' indication at bottom of the track listing. Even happens with complete albums I ripped from CD which do not exist in the store.
Every time we see announcement of a new OS update I'm hopeful the bugs will be corrected, but things seem to only get worse with time, not better. I feel at this point totally abandoned by Apple and the poor, poor support team there.
Question is whether any of you seen any/ all of these issues? Have you been able to resolve them (I presume on you own)?
MacBook Pro 13″, macOS 12.6