I'm unable to enable/change Mouse pointer to hand in iMac
My mouse pointer (arrow) won't turn to a hand enabling me to click on links. What's wrong? This is a brand new iMac?
[Re-Titled by Moderator]
iMac, 10.11
My mouse pointer (arrow) won't turn to a hand enabling me to click on links. What's wrong? This is a brand new iMac?
[Re-Titled by Moderator]
iMac, 10.11
That happens to me often. The mouse loses "focus" with Safari. To regain focus I click on the Finder icon in the Dock and then on Safari. That brings it back quickly.
That happens to me often. The mouse loses "focus" with Safari. To regain focus I click on the Finder icon in the Dock and then on Safari. That brings it back quickly.
I'm having the same problem right now.
It started after I played around with font and cursor sizes in the accessibility settings.
I can be on any website when it happens. I could be searching on a clothing website and when I try to click on other colors of an item, the arrow will not change to a hand and let me click on it. It has happened on numerous websites whether I go to them while on Safari or Google.
I have done the reboot. this problem doesn't occur all the time, but does happen intermittently. It occurs on safari and when I try the link on google, and on only parts of the website. The curser doesn"t change from the pointer to the hand, so it won't let me click on it
I'm having the exact same issue. The mouse cursor doesn't ever change, on any site, when it hovers over a clickable link. I checked it side by side with my old MacBook on the same browser website. Tried rebooting, etc., I don't know what the issue is, but it's very frustrating.
Give this a try: boot into Safe Mode according to How to use safe mode on your Mac and test to see if the problem persists. Reboot normally and test again.
NOTE 1: Safe Mode boot can take up to 3 - 5 minutes as it's doing the following;
• Verifies your startup disk and attempts to repair directory issues, if needed
• Loads only required kernel extensions (prevents 3rd party kernel/extensions from loading)
• Prevents Startup Items and Login Items from opening automatically
• Disables user-installed fonts
• Deletes font caches, kernel cache, and other system cache files
NOTE 2: if you have a wireless keyboard with rechargeable batteries connect it with its charging cable before booting into Safe Mode. This makes it act as a wired keyboard as will insure a successful boot into Safe Mode.
It sounds like you've lost "focus" to the app you were in. I get this sometimes and do the following to regain focus: click on the Finder icon in the Dock, close the folder that opens and then click on the app's icon in the Dock that lost focus.
If you care to share the URLs of any website it occurs on be happy to check.
I have a new Mac as well. This happens more frequently in any browser but also occurs within applications.
Jackvalor wrote:
My mouse pointer (arrow) won't turn to a hand enabling me to click on links. What's wrong? This is a brand new iMac?
Try rebooting the machine and compare your results...
Are you talking about links on a Google search results page? Sometimes what looks like links aren't, if that's what you mean.
I will do that when it happens again. I'm not on this computer that often but when it does, I'll send the URL. Thanks.
I will definitely try that. Thanks.
You're welcome.
This is continuing to happen to me, and none of these solutions seem to work!
I'm unable to enable/change Mouse pointer to hand in iMac