Macbook - can't update applications - previous owner keeps showing as user
I donated my old MacBook to the church and I'm unable to update applications .
OS updated fine today to the latest available.
I can't get the update to take the new credentials on some Keynote.
- I set up a new user "" when I donated the MacBook.
- Deleted my old user account on the laptop months ago and removed the device from my appleID list.
- Today logged into iCloud with the new user credentials just to ensure I have them correct. No problem. Got two factor on the iPad I also donated.
- Try to update KEYNOTE and my old user name populates field. I overwrite, then enter PW. Then I get a window "sign in to the iTunes Store" (see below). This continues to repeat.
Hardware and OS info in snip below.
thanks in advance for a solution.
[Personal Information Edited by Moderator]