Here's one potential method to accomplish this ... but it does rely on purchasing a third-party app.
Pages on its own doesn't directly support Mail Merge functionality like Microsoft Word does. However, you can create a workaround using the Data Merge app, which is available on the Mac App Store.
Data Merge takes a CSV file (which you can export from Numbers) and merges it with a Pages document.
Here's a step-by-step guide on how to do this:
1. Prepare your Numbers document:
- Ensure your Numbers spreadsheet is correctly formatted. The first row should contain the 'field' names (e.g. "First Name", "Last Name", "Address", etc.)
- Each row underneath should contain the corresponding information for each contact.
- Save and close your Numbers document.
2. Export the Numbers document as CSV:
- Open your Numbers document, click on 'File' and then 'Export To'.
- Choose 'CSV' and then 'Next…'.
- Choose where you want to save your file and then click 'Export'.
3. Prepare your Pages document:
- Create a new Pages document with the desired label format.
- For each field you wish to include (e.g. Name, Address, etc.), type the field name exactly as it appears in your Numbers document, enclosed in angle brackets. For example, "<First Name>".
4. Use Data Merge:
- Install and open the Data Merge app.
- Click on 'Choose' under 'Data Source' and select your exported CSV file.
- Click on 'Choose' under 'Pages Document' and select your prepared Pages document.
- Under 'Output', select 'Multiple Pages' if it's not already selected.
- Click 'Merge'.
5. Print your labels:
- Open the newly created Pages document.
- Check that all of the data has transferred correctly.
- Now you can print your labels.