Error code 0x80070185
While routine backing up of the iCloud folder on an external hard disc I get error code 0x80070185. I am backing my folder while working on my laptop running windows 11. please share the solution.
Windows, Windows 10
While routine backing up of the iCloud folder on an external hard disc I get error code 0x80070185. I am backing my folder while working on my laptop running windows 11. please share the solution.
Windows, Windows 10
Hi, I'm having the same issue. It's only happening with one image file. ICloud on Windows 10. The bigger problem is that iCloud is stuck in a loop trying to download the image even though there is an error, therefore the rest of the folder won't sync.
Hi, I'm having the same issue. It's only happening with one image file. ICloud on Windows 10. The bigger problem is that iCloud is stuck in a loop trying to download the image even though there is an error, therefore the rest of the folder won't sync.
Exactly the same problem here. Never had any problem with icloud backing up the photo's and movies on my laptop in the folder 'i-cloud photos'. Now I constantly get the same error number and saying 'you have to be online'. Some photo's do download properly and some don't. It's very annoying!
I have the same problem and have been dealing with it for a long time at this point. It does seem to be some kind of infinite loop of failures. To get around it, it is necessary to uncheck the "Always keep on this device" option for the affected files only, then open them manually to trigger a successful download. After they download, you can recheck "Always keep on this device." Make sure you don't download too many files at once. To get my files to download for the first time, I had to do this in batches. I have about 60k photos so this took me a very long time to get through in batches of about 1k.
It is very annoying, and it has been an open bug for a very long time that almost makes iCloud unusable. I've considered use of other cloud services due to this, but apple locks down what third party apps can do on an iPhone, so it is really the only option if you are an iPhone user. I truly hope that apple fixes this.
just replied with a simple fix below!
Hi all,
is there any solution for this problem now?
I got the same issue since a few days/weeks.
For several years my pictures are loaded automatically from my icloud on my windows pc. From there I backup them on a NAS Drive. The wohle chain worked perfectly till a few day/weeks ago.
The new pictures if they are loaded on the PC only got the little cloud symbol in the top right, not the green hook. And when i try to open them/load them manually the mentioned error code appears.
There has to be a solution for this, because it worked perfectly fine before.
Does anyone has a solution for this problem?
Thanks for trying to answer this question. We have the knowledge that files must be dowloaded to the PC via the iCloud app before we can do anything with them on the PC. This error code is happening during the downloading process.
Hey guys, just want to share a workaround i found for the dreaded 0x8 error! As you know its impossible to get your photos to install, just keeps saying error. What I did to bypass this, I Went to my album on my phone, selected all the photos i needed (was about 500, can slide select so it takes seconds) I then click the Share Button on the bottom left, then scroll down and press Save to Files. Once you click that itll open a new screen showing icloud drive, youll want to click the top right triple dot ... and press New folder. Then rename the folder to what you want. Click the folder and press save. Now your basically done. Now going back to windows, instead of clicking icloud photos, youll click ICloud Drive, then find your folder name. And all your photos will be there and should download with ease! You can then transfer or copy!
Hey! Same thing happened to me yesterday! Just sent a simple fix below!
In playing around with this, I've noticed that the files stuck in the loop/won't download from the cloud are all missing the same security principal permissions that all the other files that downloaded for me have. Not sure if this is just something that it picks up after being downloaded, but thought it was worth mentioning.
When this happened to me a few months ago, I was somehow able to get it to download them by trying to open them once and then I think opening them again got them to eventually download.
I have everything set to "Always make available on this device", so I think I also may have been playing around with turning that off for those items, then terminating icloud, repairing/resetting it, restarting the PC, and then letting it re-calibrate itself before trying to download them again.
Hello Rohit_B_10,
Thanks for that info and for choosing the Apple Support Communities. If we understand correctly, you are unable to "back up" a folder stored in iCloud Drive with iCloud for Windows. This is because usually the files and folders are stored in iCloud Drive, and are not local, so you would need to download the files and manually copy those files to your external drive and here is more info:
View, add, or remove iCloud Drive files in iCloud for Windows - Apple Support
My iCloud was working just fine through yesterday and I could open/copy all my photos/videos. Now today I cannot open or edit anything! Getting "error 0x80070185 The cloud operation was unsuccessful." This is so frustrating. My iPhone says all photos are synced! I have rebooted both my phone and my computer running Windows 10. Still can't copy or open anything in my iCloud. I'm paying for this service!
I am having this problem downloading a single photo (with this same error code) onto my Windows 10 PC. All the other photos and videos downloaded just fine from the same photoshoot.
I have tried your workaround, but after clicking the Share button I get a blank window with a rotating circle, which in a few seconds disappears and closes the Icloud Photos folder
Error code 0x80070185