Animated gifs colours off but for first and last frames
I'm resurrecting a thread that was not resolved but I'm experiencing the same problem.
I have managed to export short videos to animated gifs in the past but for some reason I can't get it to work today.
I'm sending a 1080p h264 FCPX project to Compressor where I apply an Animated Image preset to output gif, max 1080p at 10fps. The colour preset is the default Floyd-steinberg global 256 colours dithering.
The first and last frames come out ok
In-between the colours are completely off.
Here are the Compressor settings:
I'm surprised because there aren't that many colours on this image.
I tried the Sierra 2 dithering and the result is almost the same.
Is this because the dithering algorithms are optimised for nature and not screen recordings?
Is this a bug?
Would you recommend another software than Compressor?