Hi Matti,
Please see my reply to MrHoffman.
Thanks for your reply. I have been using Horos for a number of years without issue, until one of my providers, Crystal Run Health Care, started sending disks that had the dicom files displaying as UNIX executable files. I tried everything to get them to display without success. My physicians at another healthcare provider also cannot access the imaging.
I see a broader problem that relates to the need to have all medical data available to all of the providers that a patient might use, and I see certain providers going out of their way to thwart the sharing of patient information even if that position harms their patients.
Yes, I can open the dicom files in Photoshop, but Photoshop is not a diagnostic imaging viewer and individual images that are only identified by a file number are not helpful. Perhaps if QuickView would display the images, one could scroll through them to mimic a sequential animation, but QuickView does not display the images.
Since Photoshop could open the files and display an image, I just tried to view them in Adobe Bridge, but Bridge will not display the images. If Bridge could read the files and display images, presumably one could scroll through them and view a progressive sequence, but no luck with that.
I regularly contribute to the Horos Project and do not want to explore any other viewer, especially if I cannot achieve the same level of functionality that I get with Horos. So far, the only provider that gives me a problem is CRHC; the same provider gives every other provider I use a very difficult time sharing patient data.
Frankly, I believe the issue relates to the provider, CRHC.
Thank you for all the information you provided.
Best, Vincent