Use of foreign credit cards on Apple's Chinese storefront.
Hi, I'm an American living in Shanghai, China. Up until recently (I don't know when) I have been able to use my US credit cards like apple card on the Chinese website. I don't know what happened, but this is no longer possible as it requires me to have my billing address in China. I'm not here year round, due to my work, but I am here often, so of course I'm not going to change my billing address to a Chinese one, plus that may mess with my iCloud as accounts with Chinese billing address are automatically prompted to move their data to Chinese servers, which I obviously would not want. Any knowledge out there on if this is a permanent change apple has made or a temporary one?
I literally just bought the 14 Pro Max with my US billing address and Apple Card last October, so that's where I'm coming from with this. Thank you for the help.