Airdrop to iPhone 14 not working
adjusted all settings but can’t airdrop to partner’s iPhone 14 - any smart advice?
iPhone 5, iOS 10
adjusted all settings but can’t airdrop to partner’s iPhone 14 - any smart advice?
iPhone 5, iOS 10
julica Said:
"Airdrop to iPhone 14 not working : adjusted all settings but can’t airdrop to partner’s iPhone 14 - any smart advice?"
Troubleshooting AirDrop on an iPhone:
Some sites to refer to:
julica Said:
"Airdrop to iPhone 14 not working : adjusted all settings but can’t airdrop to partner’s iPhone 14 - any smart advice?"
Troubleshooting AirDrop on an iPhone:
Some sites to refer to:
Airdrop seems to be one of the features that 2 $1.600 devices don’t manage. Why have the option on the phone at all then? It’s just annoying
Make sure your phone number is not added to reject list on your wife’s phone. (Settings > Phone > Reject List)
I had the same situation with my husband’s phone for years. One day I noticed his phone doesn’t ring when I call him without using free chat apps, and we found out he somehow had been rejected my number. Immediately after my number was deleted from his reject list, his contact came to show up on my airdrop again.
Hope this helps.
Airdrop to iPhone 14 not working