Is it true?or scam
iPhone XR, iOS 16
iPhone XR, iOS 16
Clearly a scam. The phone number goes nowhere. Apple does not refer to itself as the Apple Electronics Company. It's Apple Inc.
No legitimate organization would ever ask you for your passport and drivers license. This on top of the two dozen or more red flags in this tripe.
And, does this Samsung letter look familiar?
Clearly a scam. The phone number goes nowhere. Apple does not refer to itself as the Apple Electronics Company. It's Apple Inc.
No legitimate organization would ever ask you for your passport and drivers license. This on top of the two dozen or more red flags in this tripe.
And, does this Samsung letter look familiar?
arshad ~
Recognize and avoid phishing messages, phony support calls, and other scams
...Found by searching Apple's Knowledge Base.
As with all such messages, scam. Simply delete the message and do not interact with the message or the sender.
Is it true?or scam