Cannot view eps files anymore
I was working on my imac today and all of a sudden I cannot open any of my eps files. It says file is not supported or has been damaged. This message is popping up in the Acrobat reader box.
I was working on my imac today and all of a sudden I cannot open any of my eps files. It says file is not supported or has been damaged. This message is popping up in the Acrobat reader box.
Adobe Acrobat Reader DC can only open PDFs. Apple dropped support for .eps and .ps files displaying in Finder, Quick Look, or Preview converting them to PDF in Monterey and later.
The free Skim PDF reader can open .eps and export them as PDF. Also, If you have the free LibreOffice, or Inkscape installed, they can open and convert .eps to PDF. The free GIMP will not for some reason, open my .eps files. The paid Affinity Designer/Designer 2 can open .eps and export to PDF. So can Graphic Converter 11 or 12.
Adobe Acrobat Reader DC can only open PDFs. Apple dropped support for .eps and .ps files displaying in Finder, Quick Look, or Preview converting them to PDF in Monterey and later.
The free Skim PDF reader can open .eps and export them as PDF. Also, If you have the free LibreOffice, or Inkscape installed, they can open and convert .eps to PDF. The free GIMP will not for some reason, open my .eps files. The paid Affinity Designer/Designer 2 can open .eps and export to PDF. So can Graphic Converter 11 or 12.
Thank you for the help. I will try these. It is just so funny that I could open them yesterday but not today. I thought the Preview app opened eps files. Preview still opens the eps files on my old Macbook.
Different version of Preview maybe?
Prior to Ventura, Preview used to open .eps files, though I believe to do so, it converted them to PDF while loading them. It did that with postscript files.
Hmmm, GIMP2.1 opens my .eps files, but GC 11 does not in Mojave.
My comments were regarding GIMP 2.10.34 and GC 11.8, both on Ventura 13.4.
Canvas Draw X opens .eps files... yep, Canvas is still around!
Cannot view eps files anymore