Is there a USB adapter which has a USB-C Input and a standard USB hole at the end.
So the title may sound odd and a bit dodgy I'm not too tech savvy. But to the point in more detail. So I'm trying to connect my electronic drum module to my MacBook Air M1 2020, via USB. That's straight forward for me the problem is, my drum module only supports a USB 2.0 connection which I believe is the standard USB most plugs use and whatnot (I will attach photos of a standard USB for more clarifacation), but the MacBook only has 2 USB-C Ports or Thunderbolts 3. Is there an adapter for this to make the connection 2.0 or is it not possible? I can use a 3.0 connection but only if it's backwards compatible. I'm new to Apple products and was wandering if the community could help in where I lack in brains about Apple.
TL;DR: Need a adapter to go from USB-C to have a USB 2.0 hole at the end.
MacBook Air 13″, macOS 12.5