How to download the complete installation app (4.8 GB) for High Sierra?
I’m interested to instal macOS High Sierra on my ol’ iMac mid-2011 (the latest OS that’s allowed to run on this Mac). I’ve found an old thread dealing with the subject ( https:// ). However, after read all the comments I couldn’t find any solution for my problem.
According to the many replies, the installer app can be downloaded from the App Store, not directly, but using Safari, going to through the following link: This link lead us to a page entitled “How to download and install macOS”, and there you can find the many options for several macOS versions, from Lion to Ventura. For Lion and up to Sierra, you can download directly the .DMG file using a web browser (they recommend, of course, Safari); for High Sierra to Ventura you must use the App Store.
OK, I used Safari and clicked onto the “High Sierra 10.13” link. This started the App Store and presented to me the option to download the installer. As we can read on the instructions:
• Click the Get button in the App Store to begin downloading. Software Update might open and ask you to download from there.
• After downloading to your Applications folder, the installer opens automatically. Follow the onscreen installation instructions. Or quit without installing to leave the installer in your Applications folder for later use.
I’ve always preferred no to allow the online installation, but to keep the installer and proceed offline (if you’re updating, then no need to create a pendrive installation, and you can simply double click on the installation app and install the OS, to get your OS updated to the version you’re interested in). But… you need the installation app, of course! To this matter, according to what it’s said, when the installer opens, you simply quit it and go to the Applications folder to find the installer there
The problem is that, regardless of all the replies on the previous thread (see above) and what it’s said on the webpage, at this date (July 9, 2023), something is wrong with this process. Every time I try, I finish with a mere 22.7 MB file entitled “Install macOS High Sierra” on the Applications folder (it’s High Sierra version 13.6.02) that, of course is NOT the installer app (only to be sure, I disconnected from the net and tried to begin the installation and this file asked for the web connection). The complete installation app must weigh… 4.8 GB and not 22.7 MB.
Some users on the previous thread suggest to delete any file that does not download correctly, empty the trash, close all your open apps and restart to try again. I’ve tried many, many time, to no avail. The result is always the same.
Then, how can I download -and keep- the COMPLETE installation file for High Sierra? Apple is wrong with its instructions. Quitting the installer that opens just after the download is finished from the App Store DOES NOT WORK. You DON’T get the COMPLETE (4.8 GB) file, but an app that ASK FOR AN INTERNET CONNECTION TO DO THE INSTALLATION ONLINE. I want the 4.8 GB file downloaded onto my computer!
Any suggestion?
I'm adding some captions of the process: