I had already tried removing the home in Home Settings. This Wemo doorbell is the only HomeKit device I have. (I gave up on HomeKit a two years ago because my devices kept dropping and having to be re-added) I bought the dorbell/cam assuming it would be supported with the Wemo app, but was disappointed to see it was a HomeKit device. It worked for a while and then dropped. The first time I was able to re-set it, but this time I could not.
I even removed the Home from my wife's phone and an iPad thinking that they were keeping it in iCloud. I couldn't find a way to remove it from my apple TV. None of that worked.
I had already tried your other suggestion (toggling off Home under the ICloud settings). Did it again, just for kicks, with no luck.
I tried to sign out of my device, like you suggested, but my sign out is grayed out with a message below it saying "Sign out is not available due to restrictions." Any idea what this is about? I'm running iOS 16.5.1 on an iPhone SE.
I'm sure Apple hoped to improve things with this new architecture upgrade, but it still looks like a rats' nest to me.