Why no Comic Sans italic? Revisited
VikingOSX wrote, "On the Mac, every referenced font face must be installed, or the reference may be mapped into another font entirely — possiblly showing its italic face if installed, or without italic if not." [https://discussions.apple.com/thread/251235183?login=true]
Entirely is an issue. In that the Comic Sans MS is 50% a programmatic font, for the macOS. There is only one (1) original Vincent Connare font in macOS, and that would be PostScript "ComicSansMS-Regular.ttf". No bold and no italics.
Further, the original family has 1106 glyphs in each font, but the macOS wing-nut is a 587 glyph free-and-paid download, available everywhere. Here are your Font Studio internal views of the MacOS ‘fake’...
Fake is a rather harsh word for a licensed typographic assembly. There is no physical bold installed. But there is a physical bold programmatic font assembly in an equal sized bold ttf file, to accompany real font file Regular.
/System/Library/Fonts/Supplemental/Comic Sans MS.ttf
/System/Library/Fonts/Supplemental/Comic Sans MS Bold.ttf ...type design idiosyncracies missing, etceteras.
Eventually, this will all be moot. Each font family requires only one (1) original, variable 'Regular'. From which any font weight can be assembled in display. MIT has fully developed that typography for 3D printing. Vincent Connare's original 1106 glyph, four-file TTF font family is available here: https://www.myfonts.com/collections/comic-sans-font-microsoft-corporation. Israel's fonts.com has the Apple's popular 587-cut version, naturally. My guess? Vincent hatched the programmatic cut, assembly methodology guiding fonts.com related research. a.k.a Typographer's expected market management, expanding technologies aside.
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