hi how can change back up file location from C drive to another ?
my c drive is full almost would pls tell me how can i change backup file location to d drive ?
Windows, Windows 10
my c drive is full almost would pls tell me how can i change backup file location to d drive ?
Windows, Windows 10
Did you think that the OP was asking about the Apple Operating System?
Even if you did not know that "C" is the main or primary drive on a PC, the OP told us in his profile that he was using Windows.
Did you think that the OP was asking about the Apple Operating System?
Even if you did not know that "C" is the main or primary drive on a PC, the OP told us in his profile that he was using Windows.
There is no official way to do this, but with some creative use of the command line on Windows or Mac you can make it happen. Basically you move the current backup to the external drive, then put a “symbolic link” to the moved backup where iTunes (or Finder on a Mac) had previously stored the backup. If you do a web search for “move iPhone backup to external drive” there will be a lot of links with “cookbook” instructions.
But note that doing this makes your backup accessible to anyone who hacks your PC, so it is not recommended by Apple.
really i don't understand why Apple didnot add an offical way to put backup in different drive
Well, only Apple could answer that question.....and they are not here.
My guess.....and it is just that.....a guess.....is that Apple did not want to deal with the additional support that would be required with something like this, and the security of something like this would be questionable as well.
layth144 Said:
"hi how can change back up file location from C drive to another ?: my c drive is full almost would pls tell me how can i change backup file location to d drive ?"
What's the Device?:
I see you've posted this in the iPhone forums, yet the device you've selected is Windows. So, are you suing a PC? Or a Mac? There is no C:// or D:// on an iPhone.
TheLittles wrote:
layth144 Said:
"hi how can change back up file location from C drive to another ?: my c drive is full almost would pls tell me how can i change backup file location to d drive ?"
What's the Device?:
I see you've posted this in the iPhone forums, yet the device you've selected is Windows. So, are you suing a PC? Or a Mac? There is no C:// or D:// on an iPhone.
The OP is asking how to backup an iPhone to a Windows PC, and have the backup go to an external drive rather than the default C: drive. I’ve answered in a separate post.
layth144 Said:
"hi how can change back up file location from C drive to another ?: ’C’ is a Windows computer's primary drive or partition. ‘D’ might be an attached USB drive on the PC. So, the OP is using a PC.”
Well that’s what I’m getting at —the explained GUI seems to contradict being what this post ought to be about: Apple Operating System —not Windows.
layth144 Said:
"hi how can change back up file location from C drive to another ?: The OP is asking how to backup an iPhone to a Windows PC, and have the backup go to an external drive rather than the default C: drive. I’ve answered in a separate post.”
Thank you for pointing that out.
Bob Timmons Said:
“Did you think that the OP was asking about the Apple Operating System?”
Comments can be misinterpreted. I don’t emphasize my posts, until it gets down to clarifying the emphasis: What the OP is trysting to achieve.
Should have provided this link:
windows change back up drive location site:answers.microsoft.com
layth144 wrote:
hi there,
i am using PC with windows 11 try to do backup for my iphone , really i don't understand why Apple didnot add an offical way to put backup in different drive
Because, as Lawrence noted above, it's not secure.
"C" is a Windows computer's primary drive or partition. "D" might be an attached USB drive on the PC.
So, the OP is using a PC.
hi there,
i am using PC with windows 11 try to do backup for my iphone , really i don't understand why Apple didnot add an offical way to put backup in different drive
hi how can change back up file location from C drive to another ?