Perhaps this will clarify what has become an unnecessary debate. I bought the iPhone 12 Pro and matching leather case several years ago. I really liked that leather case. Had not one issue with it. The leather was great.
By comparison the iPhone 14 pro leather case did not meet the same level of quality. The texture, smell, touch and light reflection all strongly suggest either a synthetic leather or simply a lesser quality leather or manufacturing process that has effected its appeal.
I posted my experience here because I wanted to know if the leather was indeed real leather. Had anyone brought actual facts to the conversation I might have changed my opinion. Instead the replies have brought some diehard iPhone fans running to turn this all into a product loyalty debate.
The Reddit thread I added was deleted by a moderator. In that thread many people who have owned various iPhone models and the matching leather cases talked about a change in quality (leather cases) beginning with the iPhone 12 Pro case. You can all search the same thread if it interests you.
I brought my experience to the community here for its collective experience with this product for verification. Just as the direction of the wind eventually changes the same is true (unfortunately) of mass produced consumer products. I ordered the iPhone 14 Pro leather case, sight unseen, because I believed it would be just as great as the iPhone 12 pro leather case.
It isn’t. End of story.