Harvey Murray wrote:
Yes, I am running Mac os 10.13.6 Server 5.6.3
I’d be disinclined to run a macOS Server 10.13 configuration internet-accessible, given the age of all of what is involved. If you do want or need to expose it to the ‘net, partition your internal network to contain and isolate potential security breaches. Set up a DMZ, minimally. Avoid running that on an open internal network.
I believe you have pointed me in how to correct the problem, here is what is in the error log:
MyDomain·com is a real and registered domain, and is not yours. If you need to obfuscate a domain, you will want to use example.org, example.net, or example.com, all of which are reserved for this purpose.
• Being a notice it would be great to have an example what to add to the PHP.IN file
Those setup files are php.ini and my.ini, usually.
* Beyond that being able to hire you for an hour would be the best outcome.
No offense intended, but you can’t afford me. 😉