How to move photos from Library to Album
I have an Apple iPhone XR with latest IOS 16.6.
How do I move photos from my Library to an Album. Not copy but move.
iPhone XR
I have an Apple iPhone XR with latest IOS 16.6.
How do I move photos from my Library to an Album. Not copy but move.
iPhone XR
It would be useful if you could completely remove photos from the library and store them in an album. In most people iPhones the library is one big giant mess. Being able to move a photo into a particular album and securely store it there would be very useful. It would reduce the size of the library making it easier to find images there, it would prevent you accidentally deleting an image from an album during a tidy up of the library.
It would be useful if you could completely remove photos from the library and store them in an album. In most people iPhones the library is one big giant mess. Being able to move a photo into a particular album and securely store it there would be very useful. It would reduce the size of the library making it easier to find images there, it would prevent you accidentally deleting an image from an album during a tidy up of the library.
This is the way it used be in iPhoto. We could structure the library by moving photos between events.
Apple has intentionally changed this, when Photos came out. So I doubt that Apple will change this in the near future.
The new approach is, that we are no longer supposed to have to worry about the library structure. Photos is doing this for us by analysing all pictures in the library and then structuring it automatically for us.
Crete any additional album you want. When you add a photo to an album it is not creating any duplicates, just a reference to the photo in the library. You can add a photo to many albums without needing extra storage. when you delete a photo from the library or from an album, delete only photos you no longer need.
All of your photos remain in the Library unless you delete them (and if you delete a photo from the Library it is also deleted from albums). You can add a photo to one or more albums but it still remains in the Library. It does not take extra space -- there is only one photo stored even if added to albums, it is just one photo displayed in multiple places.
How to move photos from Library to Album