itunes account without an apple device
As far as apple IDs go and designating legacy contacts or even accessing your account, do you absolutely have to own an apple device? For instance iTunes and purchased music was a lot more popular when ipods came out as opposed to paying for monthly subscriptions. I vaguely remember an apple account i had been locked out of/ couldn't access my stored data, (music and photos mostly) when i could no longer access an old yahoo email address and ended up having to start my music library all over again with a new email address and new apple ID. I don't ever remember absolutely having to have an "apple" device to be able to access that information. I was able to use an old beat up laptop that definitely was not apple as I've unfortunately never been able to afford anything that nice. Is it possible to receive verification codes on non-apple devices? My worry being that my phone seems to be drastically on the verge of complete antihalation and w/o telling the sob story, financially a new iPhone doesn't seem to be in the cards for me. However, as far as worldly possessions go. Memories and the photos that support them are almost everything to me. How will one bybass not having the trusted device supported by apple or perhaps is it possible to desiginate a trusted device to receive verification that isnt apple.
iPhone 7, 15