Malicious apk file
I got a whatsapp message that I need to update my details in the bank app. I clicked on the apk file by mistake. Is my data compromised?
iPhone 13, iOS 16
I got a whatsapp message that I need to update my details in the bank app. I clicked on the apk file by mistake. Is my data compromised?
iPhone 13, iOS 16
No, sounds like a bogus scam message. An APK file is an app installer file for the Android operating system.
You are in no peril, an APK file will not run on the iPhone operating system.
No, sounds like a bogus scam message. An APK file is an app installer file for the Android operating system.
You are in no peril, an APK file will not run on the iPhone operating system.
jerel183 wrote:
Clicking on an APK file from an unverified source can pose significant security risks to your personal data. APK files are Android application packages, and when installed, they can execute potentially malicious software on your device.
Sorry, but you are wrong. There is no APK package that will be able to run on your iOS device. What you say may be true for an Android device, but we are here on an Apple Support sites, so none of that applies. Luckily the users here have iPhones and do not have to worry about that.
Clicking on an APK file from an unverified source can pose significant security risks to your personal data. APK files are Android application packages, and when installed, they can execute potentially malicious software on your device. If the APK file you clicked on was part of a phishing scam or contained malware, it could compromise your personal information, including bank details, passwords, and other sensitive data. It's crucial to immediately disconnect your device from the internet to prevent further data transmission, run a reputable mobile antivirus scan, and contact your bank to inform them of the potential breach. They may advise you to change your online banking credentials and monitor your accounts for any suspicious activity. Additionally, consider resetting your phone to factory settings if the malware threat persists. Always download apps from official app stores and verify any messages or updates directly with the source to avoid such risks in the future.
Hi Jerel, does this apply for ios as well?
Malicious apk file