Shipping Address Incorrect
Hi! I woke today and ordered a new phone early in the morning. However when I ordered, I wrote in an incomplete address; forgetting to put my numbers. When I tried to edit this, they told me to check again hours later. Then, after checking hours later again; I’m still not able to edit my shipping address. I contacted apple services and they were only able to change my billing address. I was told to wait a bit but I’m a little uncertain. They said it might be due to the high amount of people coming in to buy the new items and it might be due to processing. Does anyone know if this has happened before? I checked the apple website and they said I could change my delivery address but I can’t see it anywhere. Does anyone have any insight to know if apple temporarily disabled that function? Or if this happened before in the history of apple? Thank you! (I was told to wait a bit but again a little uncertain).