Seeking for appointment on dubai mall
I want a appointment on dubai mall.
I want a appointment on dubai mall.
i want to book appointment beacuse i have some issue on my moblie i phone 15pro max titanium blue 256gb
i want to book appointment beacuse i have some issue on my moblie i phone 15pro max titanium blue 256gb
Hello rijuwanshaikh05,
If you need to schedule an appointment at a store location, you would do that through their store page: Apple Dubai Mall
If you need an appointment for a device purchase, just select the "Reserve a shopping session" link under the How can we help you? section.
If you need an appointment for device repair, select the "Get help here" link under the Genius Bar section (about halfway down the page) then select Get hardware help at the bottom of the next page.
Seeking for appointment on dubai mall