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wallpapervideoextension in Sonoma uses lots of RAM and CPU

I've noticed that the WallpaperVideoExtension is using upto 1GB of RAM and chewing up plenty of CPU under Sonoma. I have to use Activity Monitor every few hours to kill the process.

I'm not using any of the Apple video wallpapers/screen savers, and haven't d/l any of them.

Has anyone else seen this issue? Any ideas as to how to permanently kill the extension (set 'defaults' command in Terminal would be ideal).

Any help appreciated


ps Mac Mini M1 16/256

Mac mini, macOS 14.0

Posted on Oct 4, 2023 8:01 PM

Question marked as Top-ranking reply

Posted on Dec 24, 2023 3:38 PM

Same issue here. Didn't even use those silly "live" wallpapers and noticed a hot chassis on my 16" M1 Max. One of the reasons was WallpaperVideoExtension with >25% CPU usage for nothing. Please fix!

Apple OS quality became just unacceptable. Bugs and issues everywhere. Could they please stop their unpopular, annual releases and focus on QUALITY and PERFORMANCE first, again? Thanks!

49 replies
Question marked as Top-ranking reply

Dec 24, 2023 3:38 PM in response to EJW Tas

Same issue here. Didn't even use those silly "live" wallpapers and noticed a hot chassis on my 16" M1 Max. One of the reasons was WallpaperVideoExtension with >25% CPU usage for nothing. Please fix!

Apple OS quality became just unacceptable. Bugs and issues everywhere. Could they please stop their unpopular, annual releases and focus on QUALITY and PERFORMANCE first, again? Thanks!

Feb 5, 2024 8:52 AM in response to EJW Tas

I've created a script to kill the wallpaper extension every 15 min because this is out of control, I don't even use this thing.



with content, uncomment second line if the ImageExtension also bothers you with high cpu usage.

pgrep WallpaperVideoExtension | xargs kill -9
# pgrep WallpaperImageExtension | xargs kill -9
date > /Applications/Scripts/wallpaperkiller.log

then, run

crontab -e

and add the following line

*/15 * * * * /Applications/Scripts/wallpapperkiller.sh

you can also run this script manually if you want, each other time

more info about crontab can be found here https://medium.com/@justin_ng/how-to-run-your-script-on-a-schedule-using-crontab-on-macos-a-step-by-step-guide-a7ba539acf76

Jan 17, 2024 1:32 AM in response to EJW Tas

Same issue. It is really frustrating.... I've MacBook Pro 15 2019 i7(6 core) that i bought brand new from Apple... with just original/purchased software. Used only for work... and now all fans are running so loud, because i.e. /System/Library/ExtensionKit/Extensions/WallpaperVideoExtension.appex/Contents/MacOS/WallpaperVideoExtension and /System/Library/Frameworks/VideoToolbox.framework/Versions/A/XPCServices/VTDecoderXPCService.xpc/Contents/MacOS/VTDecoderXPCService processes eats so much CPU and RAM. By the way... I am CCNP and LPIC-3 certified... and I try to use this system for smooth QUIET hard work... and now I thinking if 10 yeard old Lenovo laptop is not the better and QUIETer way how to do my jobs.....

As our clients says: "Please fix it ASAP! How could this go to live? Do you have some PQA or testing? How you test this wallpaper extension before it goes live? We all pay for your devices thousands of $$$$...."

So please.... please fix it as soon as possible.

Nov 30, 2023 2:39 PM in response to EJW Tas

I have this same issue: I am not using any of the Apple "Dynamic Wallpapers", but "WallpaperVideoExtension" burns tons of CPU time. Any advice on how to disable this from running would be much appreciated

-- its a total battery killer, and leads to the fan on my MBPro running quite often, even under otherwise light loads.

Nov 25, 2023 2:50 PM in response to EJW Tas

An update - the problem hasn't gone away with Sonoma 14.1.1 update

The extension is using up to 1GB RAM on both Mini M1 (16/256) and MB Air M2 (24/256)

even though I am NOT using an active wallpaper (provided by Apple) - both machines have static wallpapers

Happy to chat with Apple if there's any interest in solving this issue...

Mar 13, 2024 10:02 AM in response to leroydouglas

leroydouglas wrote:

Try uninstalling your "WallpaperVideoExtension" and compare your results.

if this is third party software

Look for a built-in or in-app uninstaller and use that.

If in doubt refer to the developers website; Support/Help/FAQ/known issues/compatibility /updates/uninstall:

Contact a third party vendor

Contact a third-party vendor - Apple Support

Since everyone else seems to have ignored this...

WallpaperVideoExtension is not a third-party item. It's part of macOS Sonoma, and seems to be responsible for showing and managing videos as wallpapers on the desktop and/or lock screen.

There seems to be no way to disable or remove it (it is on the write-protected system partition), and it continues to run and consume CPU/GPU/RAM even when not using video wallpapers.

Dec 18, 2023 12:26 PM in response to EJW Tas

Been doing some more digging....

Inside [computer name]/private/var/folders there are a series of folders whose names are 2-character alphanumerics (eg ky, d2, bn etc)

one of these was 500MB - inside there are 5 folders, including 'O', 'C' [cache] and 'T' [temp]

opened the "C" folder and there was a folder "com.apple.wallpaper.caches" that was 300+mb - it seems that the wallpaper extension is spawning up to 11 cache files a day of my wallpaper image, despite my wallpaper not changing since I installed Sonoma.

the folders in private/var are 'cleaned up' and purged as needed during restart, but I generally only restart my mac about once every few days.

I can't lock the "com.apple.wallpaper.caches" to stop the extension writing new cache files as was my first thought, so I'll keep looking into this

thanks to others who have posted here sharing their experiences... suspect it's more widespread as I checked a friend's mac over the weekend and they too had an out of control extension using 1GB of RAM on their M1 mac.


Mar 13, 2024 9:45 AM in response to EJW Tas

I have video wallpapers disabled, and regularly run into this issue.

Just now, when I woke my mac, the video was playing on my "lock screen" despite being disabled everywhere.

Worse, the system seemed to be playing 30+ copies of the video, all overlaid on top of the others, and they slowly faded out creating this bizarre "ripple" across the default sonoma field video.

It ended too quickly to capture, and switched back to my regular wallpaper but it was definitely trippy.

Right now the process is still running, consuming 85% of my M3 Macbook Pro's CPU, while the system is completely idle.

I'd love to see a permanent fix for this. It's insane to deal with constantly.

wallpapervideoextension in Sonoma uses lots of RAM and CPU

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