how do I get rid of the blue? Dot in the top left corner of my iPhone
what is the blue dot in the top left corner of my iPhone and how do I get rid of it? It looks like an audio wave? There are no apps open on my phone at this time.
iPhone 15 Pro
what is the blue dot in the top left corner of my iPhone and how do I get rid of it? It looks like an audio wave? There are no apps open on my phone at this time.
iPhone 15 Pro
Hello! So I went through the steps to turn voice control off, the blue light still appears to be on. How do I ensure it’s off?
Hello! So I went through the steps to turn voice control off, the blue light still appears to be on. How do I ensure it’s off?
Hi kairos33, The "blue dot in the top left corner of my iPhone" That Dot you see there is telling you that the feature Voice Control is enabled on. if you accidentally turn this on I will guide you on how to turn it off.
If you would like to learn about what Voice control dose visit this link below
Use Voice Control on your iPhone, iPad or iPod touch – Apple Support (AU)
That solves it. Thank you so so much. It solved another problem I was having also. Yea I don’t even remember turning this on.
how do I get rid of the blue? Dot in the top left corner of my iPhone