Disk Utility warning: dir-stats object missing
I updated to macOS Sonoma recently and, afterwards, running First Aid on "Data" in Disk Utility shows the following warning:
warning: missing dir-stats object (id 45026142) referenced by 2 files / directories
Here is the full thing:
Running First Aid on “Data” (disk3s5)
Verifying the startup volume will cause this computer to stop responding.
Verifying file system.
Volume could not be unmounted.
Using live mode.
Performing fsck_apfs -n -l -x /dev/rdisk3s5
Checking the container superblock.
Checking the checkpoint with transaction ID 4881059.
Checking the space manager.
Checking the space manager free queue trees.
Checking the object map.
Checking the encryption key structures.
Checking volume /dev/rdisk3s5.
Checking the APFS volume superblock.
The volume Data was formatted by newfs_apfs (1933.80.3) and last modified by apfs_kext (2235.0.13).
Checking the object map.
Checking the snapshot metadata tree.
Checking the snapshot metadata.
Checking the document ID tree.
Checking the fsroot tree.
warning: missing dir-stats object (id 45026142) referenced by 2 files / directories
Checking the extent ref tree.
Checking the file key rolling tree.
Verifying volume object map space.
Verifying allocated space.
The volume /dev/rdisk3s5 with UUID 24B27901-192B-479A-9CE8-D23FFAAA43E9 appears to be OK.
File system check exit code is 0.
Restoring the original state found as mounted.
Operation successful.
Should I be concerned? How would I go about fixing this? Can't find anything online.
MacBook Pro 14″, macOS 14.0