Managing color with Ventura 13.5.2 is difficult
After I upgraded my M1 MacBook Air to OS Ventura 13.5.2, my desktop turned black. My browser screens were black. My Calendar was black. And so on. Phone call to Apple helped me turn off Appearance from Dark to Light. Now I have washed-out pastels and invisible white objects in my Firefox (browser) windows. When I select text to copy or cut, the selection color is so pale I cannot see it. The Trash icon in the Dock is invisible when it's empty. How is this a feature?
In addition to problems with my laptop, I also have "new" problems with my Apple Watch and my iPhone. For example, my Apple Watch usually buzzes me when I get back into my car at the Safeway parking lot. The watch wants me to know that I have approx. 1.5 miles to get home, which may take 4 minutes, and I should turn left on Middlefield.... Again, I don't want this feature. I didn't ask for it. I didn't set it up to run. It's just there, using energy, which causes my watch to require charging after 7 hours of use. But I digress. Sorry.