assistive access not allowing voicemail
If I change an iPhone 11 to use the Assistive Access features, how do I check voicemail? I don’t see that option under Calls.
iPhone 6s
If I change an iPhone 11 to use the Assistive Access features, how do I check voicemail? I don’t see that option under Calls.
iPhone 6s
Is it just me or is Apple going downhill? I know a number of people who have had the same problem, including us for our families’ Nana, and I cannot find a response from them anywhere to questions from last year. If anyone else figures out Voicemail let me know.
Is it just me or is Apple going downhill? I know a number of people who have had the same problem, including us for our families’ Nana, and I cannot find a response from them anywhere to questions from last year. If anyone else figures out Voicemail let me know.
assistive access not allowing voicemail