Can I have 2 iPhones on the same Apple ID account
I bought another iPhone. But I’m keeping my old phone as well. Can I have these 2 phones on my Apple account or do I need to create a new one
I bought another iPhone. But I’m keeping my old phone as well. Can I have these 2 phones on my Apple account or do I need to create a new one
I have had two on the same Apple ID for just over 2 years now, they both used to ring when one line was called, my watch used to ring for both numbers as well, I could answer at work on my watch if my other line had received a call. Some months back after an update that stopped happening.
I have had two on the same Apple ID for just over 2 years now, they both used to ring when one line was called, my watch used to ring for both numbers as well, I could answer at work on my watch if my other line had received a call. Some months back after an update that stopped happening.
Can I have these 2 phones on my Apple account
Yes, but there are advantages and disadvantages here.
The won't have to purchase apps for the new phone because the apps are tied to your Apple ID account.
A possible disadvantage......your call history will appear on both phones.
Reply is that email address is being used already and I am unable to do so
2 apple devices with the same icloud signed in can be done. instance 1: you have phone1(device)and line1(telephone number) they are active and signed into your current icloud. you then purchase a new phone from the same carrier while keeping your old phone. you sign into the current icloud account and can choose in the settings app to send & receive texts/calls under line1 to both devices furthermore you can decide if you want call sharing on all devices like mac/ipad. you have essentially cloned your phone and can use either device productively.
instance 2: line1+phone1 on current cloud account, you now have phone2 and a new phone number(line2) but you have singed into the same icloud account. you can then decided to merge or separate how you send and receive texts/calls. like in instance1 you can essentially clone the phone or you don't merge the numbers have 1 for friends 1 for business, calls to line1 will not alert on line2 and vice versa. however apps will all be in sync no matter what ie emails, social media, chrome browser things like that will be syncd
Apple can I also use my Apple ID on my two different iPhones ?
hi, my partner wants to use my Apple ID to set up their new iPhone. is this going to cause me problems if we are using the same id on different apple devices?
It's a very bad idea. You will share each other's messages, call logs, blocked call lists. Just don't.
How do we get about doing the backup thingy? Just back the stuff on our old iPhones to the iCloud and then when setting up the new phone how do we get the backup there? Like at what point do we get asked if we want our backups on the new device? And what if it’s a hand-me-downer…already been used by someone? Will that affect whether we’re able to access the backup or not?
The apps were available some time ago when you first downloaded them on the "old" phone. But, you now have a "new" phone and in the meantime the developer changed or discontinued the apps.
You can have two phones on the same account doing basically everything the same.
I know because I am currently texting off my new apple as its synced with my everyday old apple phone because its plugged into the wifi. My every day phone has the sim card in it this one doesn’t.
the phones are syncing with eachother always and if I send something off one phone it will appear as sent on both phones if that makes sense.
I would have assumed the apps worked on both phones but my Apple Music does and my Voice Aloud Reader that I pay for wont work on the new phone which is annoying because the new phone has the decent speaker and receiver, everything is broken or dying on the old phone but I like it because I know my way around it I dont want to change over till Im used to the new one.
ebuka229 wrote:
Apple can I also use my Apple ID on my two different iPhones ?
Well, this is a user-to-user forum, not Apple (except as the host). Yes, you can use your Apple ID on two phones, but you should only do that if you are the user of both phones; never if the phones are used by different people→Make sure that each family member has a unique Apple ID - Apple Support. If two people share an Apple ID many bad things will happen.
azana196 wrote:
But when I am trying to download the apps which are in my other phone it is saying “item is no longer available.”
That just means that the developer has removed the app from the store. They will remain on a phone that had previously downloaded it, but you will no longer be able to download it onto another phone.
To address the text part they will sync up when they are on the same WiFi. You can uninstall apps from one, without it removing them from the other, however when they back up data to iCloud it will likely reinstall (I’ve had it happen). The one you want to delete the apps from, I would suggest that you go into the iCloud backup settings and turn off back up apps, to prevent this, however this could create an issue later if something happens to that phone and you need to replace it. If so though, you can always find them from the AppStore you can find all the apps you’ve ever downloaded under your account in the AppStore.
ebuka229 wrote:
Apple can I also use my Apple ID on my two different iPhones ?
There is nothing stopping you from signing in with your Apple ID on another phone.
pharmand1 wrote:
Reply is that email address is being used already and I am unable to do so
You can't set up a new Apple ID using the same email address as one that had been used already, but you certainly can sign into another phone using that Apple ID email and password.
Here is a user tip for exactly your situation→How to “unshare” an Apple ID - Apple Community
Can I have 2 iPhones on the same Apple ID account