iPhone 15 pro max uploads terrible quality video to Instagram?
I recently bought the 15 pro max because of how much fuss has been made about the camera. I'm a content creator and thus I create a lot of video for Instagram - mostly through their reels and IG stories. So far, the video quality has been absolutely diabolical upon upload, even more so than my 13 pro max, which was okay.
When shooting using the app, the camera footage is great, but when you upload to IG, it's INCREDIBLY grainy, laggy, and blurry.
I shoot normally in 4k 60fps and upload the same on IG. I know IG accepts up to 1080 30fps, but my footage always ends up super clear regardless when I would use my 13 pro.
If I shoot in 1080 30fps or 60fps, the quality gets even worse on IG.
iPhone 15 Pro Max