I was able to create a script that allows one prompt for the entire document but it changes every line to a different color. Are you able to fix this so it changes every paragraph to a different color? Thanks
tell application "Notes"
set inputText to text returned of (display dialog "Paste the entire document here:" default answer "")
set paragraphsList to paragraphs of inputText
set colorHTML to ""
repeat with i from 1 to count of paragraphsList
set currentParagraph to item i of paragraphsList
set currentColor to my get_color(i)
set html_text to "
<p style=\"font-size:14pt;color:" & currentColor & ";\">" & currentParagraph & "</p><br />"
set colorHTML to colorHTML & html_text
end repeat
make new note with properties {body:colorHTML, name:"New Color Template"}
end tell
on get_color(index)
-- Determine color based on the index
if (index mod 3) is 1 then
return "green"
else if (index mod 3) is 2 then
return "red"
return "yellow"
end if
end get_color