formatting USB with FAT32 or NTFS on MAC
i need to format a USB drive with either FAT32 or NTFS - how do I do this on a MAC
MacBook Air, macOS 14.2
i need to format a USB drive with either FAT32 or NTFS - how do I do this on a MAC
MacBook Air, macOS 14.2
im trying to play an mp4 video on an LCD tv through the USB port - not using apple tv or airplay
im trying to play an mp4 video on an LCD tv through the USB port - not using apple tv or airplay
Without third party software, you cannot format a drive as NTFS, or write to one.
Best choice would be ExFAT as FAT32 has a 2 GB file size limit.
Open Disk Utility. Choose the physical drive name of the USB drive in the column. Click the Erase button in the top row. Use these settings (using any name you want). Then click Erase.
You WILL lose anything currently on the drive. Copy anything off you need to save, first.
What are you planing to do with this external drive..?
Most off the shelf external drives already come formatted Master Boot Record / FAT32 or exFat.
If it is formatted something else like GUID Partition Map / APFS or Mac OS Extended (Journaled)..?
You need to select the whole external drive, then erase and format it back to Master Boot Record / FAT32.
i figured it out - Thanks everyone! I reformatted the USB to MSDOS fat 32 and it will play on the LG tv.
Good work... 👍
formatting USB with FAT32 or NTFS on MAC